Jupiter in Aries - Energetic Principles Podcast
April 2022 Astrology Forecast
Aries New Moon
Astrology is rarely rinse and repeat, but it’s easy to trick ourselves into thinking that it is. Just as time spirals on, inexhaustibly offering up a sea of endless “Aprils” to come, astrology echoes the same misty aura of familiarity with the recurring arrival of different sun sign seasons. We’re currently knee deep in Aries season- the sign concerned with re-emergence from the primordial Piscean soup. The definitive, separative thrust forward into solitary existence. Aries speaks to our intimacy with aloneness, the cultivation of healthy self importance and a sound ego, and the “me in here” experience of inhabiting our own body with a self determined soul.
I don’t know about you, but I haven’t been feeling ~fiery, pioneering, self-focused, or courageous~. I haven’t felt Aries’ enthusiastic, motivating furnaces kick on from below. Instead I’ve felt worried, deflated, and concerned for humanity. Why? Well Aries season alone doesn’t automatically thrust us into the experience of the sign’s neutral, baseline traits. What we really wind up experiencing is the trajectory of Mars. The month of April doesn’t promise left and right “fresh starts” to me. It promises hard work, perseverance, and slow, persistent problem solving. Again, just because something is in Aries we’re not promised the orchard of opportunities bestowed by the innate potential of the sign. Not when Mars, this season’s ruling planet, answers to Saturn’s stern beck and call.
When Mars inhabits a Saturn ruled sign, we can’t use Mars in it’s unabashed, raw, go getter form. Saturn demands patience, a plan, and a steady hand. Saturn casts its harsh, mature eye on Mars’ eager energy and erratic impulses, pointing all of the flaws in its half baked ideas, opinions, and philosophies. The Aries new moon chart answers to Mars in Aquarius, (a logic first, Saturn-ruled Mars), who is currently imprisoned by a growing union with the structure-seeking planet itself. As the Mars/Saturn conjunction builds in coming days, we find ourselves either finding fresh solutions to scaling our blockages or sitting at their base, blinded by the breadth and depth of the wall.
While Aries season in its natural form calls for courage and independent action, keep in the mind the source of Mars’ energy circles back to Aquarian values. The group, the community, the collective. Keep personal responsibility in mind. Keep seeing what you can do to help others. Keep in mind that everyone is hitting their own heavy Saturn wall right now, and try to be brave enough to offer gentleness, compassion, and communication in the midst of it all.
Sagittarius Solar Eclipse- Not All Who Wander Are Lost
welcome to the last hurrah. we’ve been flipping our worlds upside down in the mentally-fueled, fact vs. fiction gemini/sagittarius houses of our chart since may of 2020. in true Sagittarius fashion, tomorrow’s solar eclipse launches us with a final thrust off the archers bow and into the void. destination unknown is the Sagittarius game, so rather than scramble for Gemini’s hard facts and figures, let yourself cozy up with the acid-tripping, galaxy-spinning, dream-making scramble of the great cosmic expanse explored by Sagittarius’ romping hooves.
tomorrow’s solar eclipse tosses it’s lasso around our torso and spins us backwards to face the progress we’ve made since last spring. the new moon cuddles up dangerously close with the sinking energy of the south node. spiraling down its release-hungry drain is easy, and you may find yourself feeling keenly aware of what you still haven’t fully let go, or noticing mentally where you just haven’t gotten the memo yet. rather than berate yourself for not having completed every sojourn or grandiose vision on Sagittarius’ long to-do list, pat yourself on the back for taking the small steps (Gemini) that got you where you are now.
Sagittarius is perpetually setting off on a quest for meaning. since the spring of 2020, we’ve been forced to think about our lives in relation to that concept in a whole new light. the south node’s time in sag has demanded that we rearrange the big picture vision of our lives and values, as if we were blindly putting together the pieces of an intricate puzzle. now, as the nodes crawl towards the end of their stay in this pair of signs, it’s easy to look back at the progress or lack there-of in these houses. you may notice that your puzzle is missing a few pieces, or that somehow you have an abundance of pieces which you’re not sure what to do with.
the new moon solar eclipse is an inherently contradicting lunation, as it signals both the launch of a fresh start, but with a ball and chain still dutifully dragging on from the past. the weeks ahead require patience and persistence, as the remainder of sagittarius season really nails home the point that “everywhere you go, you take yourself with you.” it’s safe to start galloping into your future through December’s thick snowy woods, but don’t be surprised if you need to slow your pace and double check your soul’s GPS.
burying or building
trekking through the tail end of scorpio season, it’s incredible to glance back and witness the progress, change, or wreckage that lies smoldering at your feet. friday’s upcoming lunar eclipse in taurus ushers us into uncharted terrain, and it’s soul-revealing spotlight is sure to show us a thing or two about the cost of safety, security, and sensuality- with either a grip too tight or too loose.
scorpio season always looks to trim the fat, to fixate your focus on the weak points, to destabilize what desperately needs destabilizing. It asks you to hone in on the nagging behaviors, hand-me-down feelings, and tiresome patterns that need sacrificing. renewal is the end goal, but painfully tender is the process.
the past few months, I’ve felt like astrology was a dead weight in my life. It felt like someone had tied an anchor to my feet, and worse, I felt compulsively drawn to being thrown off the plank. It drove me mad that I was plagued with a distaste for something I’ve poured all my passion into the past decade. It wasn’t until I finally confronted what was actually dead around my approach to astrology that I was able to cut the ropes and find fresh air. They say the truth will set you free, and Scorpio is always willing to whisper the next move to you. Thing is, you just might not like what you hear.
I think this is the thing with the Scorpio/Taurus axis, and particularly with the nodes and eclipses moving into this set of signs. You’ve gotta be willing to make psychologically-threatening, phoenix like moves (Scorpio) with what’s been tried, tested, true, and TIRED (Taurus). Cause sometimes the very same thing that’s granting you security is suffocating you, like an unsuspecting smoke seeping into the room. This eclipse, be willing and prepared to confront what’s worth killing and what’s worth keeping around. if you feel buried, grab a shovel and trade places with whatever’s crushing you. if you’ve burned it all down, start thinking about what you’d like to begin to build.
Cancer New Moon - The Home Within
It’s dangerously easy to forget about our foundations. In a world where we’re constantly spreading ourselves too thin or tirelessly reaching for the stars, we forget to look beneath us and honor that which has anchored us and allowed us to bloom. We spend so much time chasing relationships, pursuing ambitions, and bolstering our egos- but none of that could come to be without the secure support system you’ve inexhaustibly built from within. Today’s new moon in homebody Cancer turns our attention towards “family” in its myriad of forms- whether you’ve built your own, admired the one you were raised in, or ran away from it with your heart on fire. Cancer’s connection with maternal energy has all of us reviewing the deeply embedded inner experience we had of parenting, early nurturance, and security. Unsurprisingly- it’s very touchy material, hence the pinching crab.
Cancerian energy offers us a place to be soft, to be sheltered, and to be secure. If you’ve never been fully offered that magical cornucopia of support from your family unit, work to use this sweet, regenerative energy to embrace re-parenting yourself in a gentle and nurturing way in the weeks ahead. Your parents destinies don’t have to become your own. Rather than recreating your early environment and playing out the exhausted echoes of unfinished stories, work to acknowledge the missing pieces and gently fill in the gaps with your own hands. Mother is our first experience of intimacy and union. Was that merging safe or scary? How does that primary relationship continue to unravel in the here and now?
Today’s new moon in soulfully sensitive Cancer encourages us to nourish those very roots that support us. Our friends can be our family. Our pets can be our family. Our partners too. Whatever family means to you- honor the nest you’ve created for yourself. And speaking of forgotten foundations- our ultimate home and foundation, “Mother Earth” (an aptly Cancerian name) has been crying out for remembrance and respect too. Let this new moon remind you of the primordial waters from which we all spring, and guide you with softness and reverence towards the home within you and the collective home you inhabit.
The Astrology of July
3/18- 3/14 The Week Ahead
The second week of March glitters with moments of healing, hope, and fantasy at the same time that it offers us a productive, realistic, solution-solving mindset to our current set of circumstances. We find ourselves just over the half-way point of our time in Pisces season, steeping in powerful emotional undercurrents that soothe and soften even the sturdiest of our outward defenses.
Monday’s skies witness the moon treks through capable Capricorn, pointing our awareness towards projects that seek completion and ambitions that need stoking or re-routing. The moon’s nightly union with underworld-taker Pluto zeros in on our sore spots, illuminating well-hidden wounds around our ability to parent ourselves, take responsibility, or stay committed to a path requiring tireless discipline and follow through.
Come Tuesday, Luna departs from heavy Capricorn and catapults into logic-first Aquarius. It’s easier now to reconnect with our social worlds and pick up the slack from missed messages that got lost over the weekend. The moon’s firm connection with energetic Mars promises energy to devote towards projects requiring mental stamina, but her evening union with steady Saturn can dampen optimistic moods with a sharply realistic outlook. Lover Venus locks into the bullseye of the nodes of fate too, prompting critical moments, conversations, or revelations around relationship matters.
Wednesday’s cosmic landscape submerges us into a foggy world of fantasy, as the sun melts with reality-dissolving Neptune. Expect low energy levels, idealistic or deceptive modes of thought, and escapist tendencies to emerge. This energy is best used for getting lost in a movie or good record, soaking in the bath, or catching up on much needed rest. Pay close attention to dreams or other meditative insights, as the veil between worlds is piercingly thin.
The moon finds herself deep in her waning phase under Thursday’s skies, initiating the call to tie up loose ends on projects initiated over the last month. The waning phase considerably lowers our energy levels, and with the moon’s entrance into visionary Pisces, we can expect to be feeling not all there with earthly matters. It’s okay to drift!
Friday’s skies are deliciously sweet, as the dreamy Pisces moon merges with lover Venus and reality-dissolving Neptune, making for an idyllic, romantic, cosmic cuddle-puddle. Do be aware that our rose colored glasses are smudged with vaseline under this influence, so reality is hard to grasp. Regardless, this harmless energy is exceedingly heart-felt and hard not to enjoy, so lap it up.
Saturday sees the arrival of the new moon in Pisces early in the morning EST, bringing with it the opportunity to heal, release, and resolve ancient emotional issues that have long lain dormant. The new moon’s positive link to truth-seeking Pluto supports us in going deeper than ever in the month ahead. Use this new moon’s energy to reconnect with your ability to dream, to open your heart to others without condition, and to reconnect with your ability to feel anything without fear.
The second half of Saturday and all of Sunday find us energized and awakened once more, as the moon’s marches into hyper-active Aries. It’s easy to get things done, take action on things you’ve been hesitant over, and to kick things into gear. Ride this wave of stimulating energy and put your plans into motion, but be mindful that raised tempers and irritability can stem from lack of exertion under this Mar’s ruled moon.
mars in gemini
picture an ox trudging through a muddy field, slowly but steadily drawing a plough in its tracks. this is the burdensome but practical energy we’ve been working with here on earth, since the dawn of the new year- as mars, the planet most attuned to our survival instincts, has been trekking through the grounded sign of taurus. there was never a breakthrough, magical moment that came with the arrival of 2021. most of us gathered around the tv and watched the typically enchanting ball sink to the ground like another floating piece of trash finding its place in times square. much like our tired ox, we’ve had to keep our heads down and plow through the reality at hand.
march’s arrival brings us a fresh change of pace from this glum atmosphere and energy draining terrain, as mars departs from taurus’ pastures and splits itself in two, moving forward into the twin sign of gemini. where mars in taurus was physical, practical, and persistent- mars in gemini is cerebral, flexible, and flighty. where mars in taurus held its tongue, mars in gemini doesn’t hold back. voices get louder, opinions erupt or clash against another’s with ease, and perceptions are challenged.
gemini deals intimately with duality. the conscious and the unconscious, the introverted and the extroverted, the heroic image one has of one self and the quiet, consuming shadow that lurks behind it. mars’ brings heat, energy, strife, and drive to whatever sign it inhabits. here we find ourselves pitted against our own twin energy. our own shadow projections can pop up and visit us in the light of day, disguised as a hostile message, a shitty commute, or an argument that reaches an impasse.
yet, in true dual fashion, mars in gemini has it’s more obvious gifts to provide us too. our craving for movement returns, as does our drive to socially reach out and reconnect after a painfully introverted, solitary winter. energy returns for learning, for listening, for conversing, and for sharing. now more than ever we needy the drive to stay open-minded, to allow fresh perspectives, and to explore the push and pull motivations of our own devious inner twins.
pisces ponderings
as a kid, it was an impossible task to pull me out of the water. whether it was a chlorinated hotel pool, a sprinkler in someones yard, a seaweed slathered lake, or the embryonic ocean itself. My parents would tiredly protest at sundown with their patience steadily thinning, as they repeatedly attempted to lure me out. when i grew up and discovered my moon was in pisces, my affinity for the stuff started adding up- a fish simply doesn’t function out of water.
whenever i was in the ocean, i would intentionally challenge it. i would cry out for bigger waves, for more force, for a real display of power. once or twice it answered and would send me somersaulting under sandy, salty waves for longer than i could bare. once or twice it felt sharply to close to death, upon emerging and gasping for air. i would finally relent after having moments like those, returning back to my cancerian senses- thinking perhaps its safer on land and in the comfort of the mini van.
but the pisces side of me has always wanted to taste oblivion- to dissolve, to disintegrate, to depart, to die. that’s what the sign does, after all. it throws us like a stone into the deepest of depths, asking us to feel just how faint the line is between bliss and danger, between boundary and boundlessness, between me and you. we’ve all known the safe and soothing comfort of the bubble bath and we’ve all felt the powerful currents in open water. water can heal and baptize just as it can destroy and dissolve.
pisces is represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions, bound entirely at the tail. ultimately, pisces is two sides of the same coin. liz greene talks about pisces being both “the saint and the sinner, the victim and the redeemer”. if they continue to tug at each others tails, of which they co-own, they’ll find the divide between only stretches. in order for these twin fish to ultimately get anywhere, they need to compromise and surrender to the tide.
rather than challenge the ocean’s godliness, let yourself float to it’s top to feel it. rather than criticize, deny, or ignore the unimaginable depths of your feelings and connection to humanity- let yourself sink in and observe. it’s no wonder pisces is the end of the zodiac, where we all return to the source of life, asking for our souls to be accepted, flaws and all.
Time was once just a clock to me
Time is weird. I know, I’m basically the next Plato, but hear me out. Doesn’t it feel like there’s an oceanic surplus of it that we can endlessly gobble up, and yet somehow, there never seems to be quite enough of it? We lay awake at night knowing the week ahead is packed full of things we co-signed to accomplish, and yet one by one those things repeatedly get crossed-off, rescheduled, or ignored. We make it through day after day, continually re-evaluating what needs to be done and what doesn’t, as we juggle time for our passions, our hypnotic glowing screens, our lovers, our pets. The new moon in Capricorn emerges this evening, and no one knows the value of time like Capricorn does. Saturn rules over Capricorn with it’s silver scythe in hand- dragging its cold, definitive blade between that which matters to us and that which doesn’t, and like it or not we most certainly make that choice every single day.
The Capricorn houses in our charts have all been through hell. It’s where we’ve been dealing with the brunt of our personal and collective work in recent years, as watchful Saturn, lesson-giving Jupiter, and truth-hungry Pluto have tirelessly marched through its treacherous terrain. Now, with structure-bringing Saturn and wishful-thinking Jupiter trotting through egalitarian Aquarius- lone, brooding Pluto finds itself left alone in Capricorn. Today’s new moon keeps Pluto brief company, as the three of them twist tightly together to release the last few drops of truth-potion, either to be drank or dumped out.
Pluto is often feared in astrology, and for good reason. The lord of the underworld strips you of any falsehoods when you pass through its shadowy gates. It claws off any shiny accessories you desperately cling to for keeping up appearances. It seeks the raw, unrefined truth in our souls- and the truth ain’t always pretty, but it will set you free. Pluto in our charts and by transit represents a festering wound, one that is often sneaking its controlling hand into our lives from a frustratingly blind position. Pluto also offers us riches, our deepest untapped treasures waiting patiently to be discovered.
Today’s new moon in Capricorn contains a simple but powerful message. Where is your time best spent? Are you climbing your mountain or watching someone else do it for you on TV? What wound do you keep picking open and then complaining to everyone that it wont heal? The month ahead will require you to be radically real with yourself, so raise up your goblet and drink if you dare.
The Astrology of December 2020
We've made it to the final month of one hellish yeah, astro fam. In true 2020 fashion, the end of the year is planning to go out with a bang. December's skies hold so many major changes in store to explore, but the singlehandedly most important of those is Jupiter and Saturn's departure from stoic Capricorn into progressive Aquarius, and their long awaited mid-month conjunction.
Saturn's nearly three year stay in Capricorn wasn't an easy one, despite the fact that these two love to be together. Saturn's natural rigidity and nostalgia for yesteryear merged with Capricorn's affinity for control and power saw our government's fist tighten dangerously around us. Now, we wait with bated breath for Saturn's time in Aquarius. Capricorn is typically concerned with the rigid maintenance of "how its always been done" while Aquarius is more preoccupied with bringing new solutions, fresh perspectives, and concerns for humanity at large to the table. Saturn moves forward into Aquarius on December 17th. As above, so below- thus we're in this limbo/passing the baton stage (changing signs) of new control and authority leadership-wise (Saturn). Let's hope things can look a little brighter around here.
Those of you born between (Nov. 1988- Feb 1991) or (Jan. 1959- December. 1961) were likely born with Saturn in Capricorn natally. Those in the younger group have been moving through their first Saturn Return while those in the older group move through their second Saturn Return! You're right there at the finish line, merely a few steps away. Take a moment to reflect on your journey, from Dec.2017-Dec 2020 and sink your teeth into what's happened to you since then. Did you know we experience a second Saturn Return? Most people's face's drop when they realize they have to go through that level of initiation again. Don't fret though, it's supposed to go a little easier on you in the second round, that is ofcourse if you're not clinging desperately to a bunch of falsehoods.
Our first Saturn Return, typically starting around 29 years of age, offers us the chance to step up to the plate, to mature, and to become our own parent. Saturn says "are you ready to grow up or nah?" Hint: work to make your answer yes. You're asked to triple check if you're on the right path, or to figure out if you're just living out another one of society's subscriptions. Some people go through a major crisis, some coast, some create, some crystallize. Saturn's work here isn't to randomly punish you, it's to make you a diamond from the rough. It asks you if that white picket fence and diamond ring is enough to feed your soul.
Those of us with Saturn in Aquarius natally, most likely born between from (March 1991 - January 1994) or (January 1962-December 1964) are preparing for a visit from father time, Saturn himself. Saturn will stay in Aquarius until March of 2023, so we're only just getting started. Take a look at the house in your chart ruled by Aquarius to get an idea of where this new "lets get down to business" energy is arriving.
Where Saturn contracts, Jupiter expands.
Where Saturn says "no", Jupiter says "yes".
Where Saturn says "It's unlikely", Jupiter says "Why not give it a try?"
Where Saturn grasps for control in an out of control situation, Jupiter surrenders and whispers reassuringly, "It'll pass."
Jupiter is our cosmic Santa Claus. Whatever area of our chart Jupiter moves through, we find ourselves being given a gift or two in that area. Jupiter's desire is to grow, to provide unshakable faith and optimism, and to widen our scope of experience. Jupiter moving through your 4th house? Maybe it's time you find some bigger living quarters, or finally do that ancestry test and explore your roots. Jupiter moving through your 10th house? Maybe you realize its time to take the leap of faith you've been scared to in your career. You get the gist! Jupiter grows, Saturn simplifies.
Jupiter has been in Capricorn since 2019, and his stay has been a little unhappy. Jupiter doesn't perform well in a Saturn ruled sign, as they're basic energies are inimical to one another! Think of the Rose family in Schitt's Creek. Big personalities with big plans and at one point, big money (Jupiter), forced to consolidate, simplify, and re-structure (Saturn). Jupiter's entrance into Aquarius on the 19th is beneficial all around, as he receives more benefits in this sign than in morose Capricorn. Look to your Aquarius house to see where this year long period of growth and expansion will be sweeping in!
These two polar opposites are coming together for their great conjunction on the day of the winter solstice, when the sun moves forward into Capricorn, on December 21st. Jupiter/Saturn conjunction's come around approximately every 20 years, typically ushering in a new era society-wise. So yeah, it goes without saying that this is a huge, pivotal moment for us collectively. This time, with these two merging in open-minded, humanitarian Aquarius, I have faith (Jupiter) that we can make some major improvements (Saturn) on the way things work around here.
Last but not least, I wanted to let you know about an incredible event I'm excited to be a part of called "13 nights of Witchmas" created by the brilliant That Witch Lizz. It's essentially 13 nights of different esoteric specialists doing presentations on zoom, and it begins TONIGHT if you wanted to purchase a whole pass. If you'd rather do a drop in ticket and pick and choose, that's also totally cool!
I'm doing an astrology talk called "Planets as Psychological Archetypes and Signs as Soul Signatures" and I'll be presenting on Saturday 12/12 7:30-9:00PM EST. It's my first time teaching astrology and I'm really excited, if not a tad bit nervous. I would really love your support, if you decided you'd like to come and learn some basic fundamentals directly from me. I'll be exploring the 4 elements, 10 planets, and 12 signs thoroughly- so you're not gonna wanna miss it! If you can't make it, you can also purchase the recording! It's only 20$ for a single ticket, or 130$ for a whole pass! Can't wait to see you there. As always, I'm so grateful to have you in my life and I wish you a safe and smooth final month of the year.
The Sagittarius Shut-in.
As a kid, I always took special notice of an elaborate poster that boasted “Sagittarius” in big red letters in my grandma’s kitchen. It rattled off the typical textbook qualities inherent to the sign- “adventurous, optimistic, jet-setting” and so on. I was amused to spot it again on a recent visit with her, its placement now proudly pinned to the wall just above a garbage can. I remember feeling somewhat baffled by what the sign so confidently declared about her compared to her reality. Sagittarius was supposed to never sit still, to abhor doing the same ol’ same ol’, to possess an inherent craving for adventure, expansion, and culture! Yet, there’s been an indentation in the middle of the couch where she’s returned daily for the last twenty years, the curtains are always closed off to the glimmer of a courtyard outside, and a deep feeling of solitude perpetually permeates the apartment. What happened here with this shut-in Sagittarius? Is the astrology invalid? The same questions arrive begin to arrive when you encounter a cowardly Aries or a messy Virgo.
I didn’t make sense of these contradictions until years later when I came across a snippet from a Dane Rudhyar book, where he spoke of people either taking “the sun path” or “the moon path” in their lives. The sun path being where you follow your essence and lean into your evolutionary calling fearlessly. To become the courageous Aries, to become the efficient Virgo, to become the stimulation-seeking Sagittarius. The moon path is where you play it safe, where you stay close to home, where threats and risks to ones security and safety are heavily calculated. That’s when I realized you can turn your back all together on the path your sun tries to lay down for you. That you can either hang out in it’s shadow or simply avoid it all together. Now that I think about it, the mode of questioning in this post is almost laughably Sagittarian in its nature. Gemini sees my grandma’s poster and memorizes the qualities, the facts, the data. It’s collected the information. Sagittarius adds them up mentally and asks is this true? Can I find meaning, understanding, and make sense of this? It’s collected the experience.
Sagittarius season wants to ask where in your life can you take a few new risks? How have you been underestimating your own potential? The eclipses are currently lighting up the Gemini/Sagittarius axis as we speak, so pay close attention to where you draw that line between intellect and intuition, and if you’ve been playing it a bit too safe to get the growth you crave.
mars retrograde: learning to fight
Have you ever been bullied? Unless you were lucky enough to be a popular golden child walking among the rest of the middle school freaks and geeks, you’ll find that most of us have. To bully and to be bullied is to trek through the treacherous territory of Mars. Did you retaliate or did you take it in stride? Did you bite, bark, or burn quietly? When I was a kid, I found myself wedged countless times into the school guidance counselor’s office, being forced to deal with one of my intimate bullies. She was determined to make my little life hell and for whatever reason, I found myself in her crosshairs repeatedly. Enough so that it had to be dealt with by the school. At that time, I was a burner. I kept my pain quiet and let my hate for her fester silently. Many years later, I returned to my hometown with a gifted spa certificate. Full of peace after my massage and looking forward to further relaxation, I plopped down into a pedicure chair. Lo and behold, I looked down and there she was, my middle school bully, who was now fully in charge of scrubbing my feet while I sat there like a queen. Obviously an immense, vengeful satisfaction washed over me, but the awkwardness that permeated our politeness was less than pleasant.
Looking back now, I can’t help but feel curious about that entire scenario. I don’t think we randomly find ourselves at the center of people’s anger or aggression. Often, those very interactions is how the universe gets us to acknowledge and own our own Mars. My bullying journey certainly didn’t end with her, so I know that the universe has been urging me to embrace Mars from day one. So often, we find ourselves uncomfortable with the necessary aspects of human nature that Mars represents. Offense vs. defense, fight vs. flight, violence, force, fire, anger, ferocity, libido, energy, motivation. Mars is what sets us apart and works to fight for own sense of identity. You’ve heard of toddler’s having “the terrible 2’s”. Mars makes its first return to our natal Mars at approximately 2 years old- right when we begin to assert our own identity separate from our parents, when we learn to say no, to scream, fight, and throw tantrums over getting our way or not. That’s Mars.
Mars Retrograde period runs from September 9th through November 13th. This is easily one of the more disruptive retrogrades, as it happens much less frequently than other planets. We’re revisiting ancient feelings around our force being thwarted, around our experience of competition, around the right to take up space and plant our flag. Projects, relationships, or events that have recently captivated your energy and attention can come to pass now. Let things pass. Let yourself be present with your anger. Work to clear the air wherever the smoke is. You keep hearing people say “the world is on fire” and ofcourse it is, mars is making itself known. Let’s be phoenixes, rather than keep pouring gasoline on the flames.
gemini times: taking the long way home.
gemini times are upon us, friends. the stillness that settled into our bones aches for movement. the life we’ve all been living of a bull out to pasture- sleeping, eating, and fucking for comfort- has grown a little stale. now, with our bodies feeling tended too, and our hearts a little more full from nourishing ourself with the things that are good for us, we’re now ready to enter into gemini’s stimulating, mental & verbally active horizons. gemini times awaken our minds out of a dead sleep, intensifying all of our senses in hopes of enhancing our perceptions of those things around us. our voices stir in our throats, longing to be heard. thoughts knock at the door, waiting impatiently to be expressed. our urge to move increases, dangerously so in the times we’re currently living in. you can already see it on your local streets, people growing tired of the novelty of staying in, stuck at home or wearing a mask. gemini brings about a restlessness in us that isn’t easy to tame. but rather than rebel against the rules and restrictions placed upon us, out of boredom or assuming normalcy, we can hopefully put gemini’s curious mind to other uses. we can take courses from our homes, crack open books that we’ve never finished, or write and express things we uncovered from the contemplative time taurus allowed us. wrestling our need for movement is the trickiest part. we don’t want to suppress it, but we don’t want to abandon ship all together. know that you’re gonna need a little extra time outside, longer walks to places you haven’t explored, and lots of fresh air.
swimming upstream:
as i write you, i try with little success to dampen a voice in my chest, one that repeatedly screams failure! at me. last week, with three planets going stationing retrograde, the productive astro-swing I had found myself in came to a screeching halt. i knew this was coming ofcourse, perks of being an astrologer, but didn’t heed my own advice to expect the drastic change of pace. knowing that the universe was demanding i tread a bit slower, i gave myself the week off to process- to feel, to sit in the bath, to play with the tarot, to buy shit, to be drunk- whatever. having brushed the dirt off my knees, i was prepared to put my nose to the grindstone this week. yet, as i dutifully prepped the next chart on my list, i found myself spending several more hours than i usually do. turns out, i couldn’t decipher shit. i had pages of notes, different ideas- but i completely lacked the coherent words to tie the story together.
i kept sitting down to record, thinking i’ll just have to push myself through this. but i would hate my voice. i sounded uninterested, unenthusiastic, dry, forced. i never want to do that with a client- so i pulled the plug and deleted my progress. stress flooded my body, knowing i didn’t complete my task. theres always tomorrow i tell myself, after multiple tomorrows had already passed. an email rolls in from another client whose been expecting a reading for a few weeks now. the stress skyrockets again. i have to apologize and explain myself, as usual. defeated, i drag myself onto the porch for some leo-rising therapy- sunlight. after some time among my plants, and two heaping glasses of pinot noir, i gently realized that its okay to be unproductive. that perhaps that chart’s story isn’t ready to be told. and maybe my story isn’t fully formed either, that i’m still listening to the whispers, and i’m not ready to give the speech.
maybe you’ve felt some area of your life come slamming the brakes this past week? perhaps some major course correction was necessary, or maybe you just needed to give yourself a much needed break? with gemini season upon us- shifts, movements, and sharp turns all lie ahead- the problem with right now is that we can’t go full-speed. its like choosing between driving on the highway or taking country roads. you know the highway is the more efficient way from point a to point b, you recognize that. but something in you needs to slow down and witness those picturesque weird little farm towns, the beautiful scenery, the memories and nostalgia that sleep in those old houses. you need fresh information, for what you have on hand right now isn’t cutting it.
gemini is an air sign and among other things, rules over the lungs and hands. air as an elemental quality represents logic, intellect, communication, vacillation, connecting, social impulses, objectivity, and our need for space. we’re less likely to be bogged down by emotional heaviness with gemini’s crew activated, it’s more likely that mental heaviness is what’s taking up space. we forget about air so easily, it’s invisibility perhaps being a downside. a thousand breezes swirl around our yard, gracing no-one if we aren’t there to feel them. breath comes and goes unannounced from our bodies. we soar through it in planes or whip open a kitchen window to have it rescue us from the all-consuming smoke of our bad cooking. as the first sign of the zodiac, gemini’s job is to take a deep breath and try to make some sense of the world around us. gemini uses words, voices, texts, expressions, laughter, storytelling, singing. we need air to expel these expressions forward. even as i write i find myself taking deep breaths or releasing loud sighs after making a point. as if even through I’m not speaking verbally, my heart feels the momentum behind the concept of sharing ideas. where in your life do you need some fresh air? where can you open a window and let go of some stagnancy? i would bet your gemini house has a good idea.
a venus retrograde opportunity:
elemental imbalances in our chart show us where we can overcompensate or can forget we need it all together. for example, I have one planet in air in my chart- and some of my biggest hurdles revolve around clear communication IRL and making space for objectivity when it comes to my emotions. I recently participated in a breathwork session with my good friend, Hadley Ryser, back on the scorpio full moon and I was so moved by the intensity of the experience of active breathing. it’s basically like tripping, releasing, and powerful emotional forgiveness all in one- all performed through a very simple, but regimented structure of breathing. after the class i felt like a weight was lifted. i carelessly blurted out “It feels like an orgasm for your hands” to the whole zoom class, but i still stand by that statement. your hands buzz with this insane energy! I realized that since Gemini rules the lungs and hands, and breathwork unlocks deep emotional pain for processing, it would be so fitting to incorporate Venus retrograde into a breathwork collaboration. Thus, we created it! you can join whats surely to be an incredible, breakthrough of an experience here.
what is venus retrograde again?
Venus retrograde is a 40 day period of profound introspection, where Venus transforms from the evening star, goddess of love, to her morning star phase, the goddess of war. Venus retrograde assists us by helping us realign with our core creative values, while simultaneously showing us the emotional give and take we require in our close personal relationships. This deeply introspective period is a ripe time for dealing with unprocessed emotions around intimate partnerships past and present, as she instinctively targets unconscious feelings and ancient hurts, rather than conscious, rational thought. This particular Venus retrograde occurs in Gemini, and links back to events that took place in May of 2012, May of 2004, and May of 1996. I will briefly explore the current area of life impacted by this retrograde for all 12 signs. If you're longing to process those places in your heart that feel stuck, or you're wanting to acknowledge the ways in which you self-sabotage your close relationships- don't miss out on this opportunity to dig a little deeper with Venus.
new moon in gemini:
so how do we make the most of this scattered, excitable, inquisitive, changeable story-telling energy while we’re locked away inside? for starters, locate the house that gemini rules over in your chart. if you need help finding that, feel free to write me and i’ll happily help you find out. the new moon in gemini bursts through on Friday, May 22nd at 1:40pm. new moons are the most powerful times to align your current intentions with the cosmos. the themes, goals, and concepts on your mind that you wish to push forward and pursue get their start right here and now, for six months from now when the full moon in gemini arrives, on November 30th of this year, you’ll get to see how those intentions have played out and see them fully illuminated in your life. this is one of the finest new moons to take advantage of this year, before we move into the wildcard eclipses next month which are a little too super charged for my taste. one of the reasons this new moon is so delicious is the fact that it forms a stabilizing connection to hard-working, disciplined Saturn. Gemini can lack concentration and a has a bad habit of taking on too many things at once so much so that it actually winds up with nothing. Saturn’s hand in the month ahead helps us firmly plant roots so that what we build can survive and be sustainable if we can harness the focus, hard work, and dedication to see our goals through. i’ve highlighted this connection in the new moon chart below so you can have a visual understanding.
the impact:
so, what house is this curious & well fortified new moon taking place in for you? lets have a look:
Aries Rising / Aries Sun: 3rd house of communication, self expression, education, learning, writing, messages, texting, zooming, face-timing, talking, reading, podcasting, speaking, short journeys, mental activity, visions, meditation, siblings, cousins, aunts & uncles.
Taurus Rising / Taurus Sun: 2nd house of self-worth, self-value, value systems, belief in oneself, talents, skillsets, underutilized skills that could help boost earning power, finances, budgeting, saving, spending, money awareness, possessions.
Gemini Rising / Gemini Sun: 1st house of self, self-experience, body, physical being, self image, self expression, personality, health matters, health consciousness, body consciousness, liking how you look, examining feelings around how you appear and come off.
Cancer Rising / Cancer Sun: 12th house of developing a deeper spiritual connection, isolation, shedding, releasing, letting go, becoming aware of how one self sabotages, reconnecting to source through tarot, intuition, baths, poetry, soul healing awareness.
Leo Rising / Leo Sun: 11th house of friendships, groups, community, humanity, social media, social networking, followers, audience, goals big and small, hopes and dreams you keep to yourself, what you want the fruits of your labor to look like,
Virgo Rising / Virgo Sun: 10th house of destiny, career, what you want your reputation to look like, what you want to be known as, what you’re remembered for, where you’re striving to be but aren’t quite there, the thing you do when you quit your day job.
Libra Rising / Libra Sun: 9th house of belief systems, educational plans, travel (lol but covid), journeys (maybe take acid or meditate?) what you believe about life that sets you apart from other people, spiritual pursuits, connecting to something higher than you than brings you perspective.
Scorpio Rising / Scorpio Sun: 8th house of responsible, mature responsible partnerships, shared resources between partners, talking about money issues within relationship, the work it takes after the honeymoon phase ends, intimacy hang ups & phobias, the relationship problems you talk about in therapy, the topics that are hard to discuss with a partner, honest, sex life, dealing with your own shit in the midst of being close to someone else you respect.
Sagittarius Rising / Sagittarius Sun: 7th house of partnerships, the other vs. the me, we vs. me, what do i want, need, and value in a relationship, one on ones in platonic ways, what i project onto other people because i believe i don’t possess it, what i dislike in other people, what i like in other people, do i love you or hate you?
Capricorn Rising / Capricorn Sun: 6th house of work, awareness of health problems, mind body spirit connection, what you do to make ends meet and put food on the table, figuring out a job that gives you a sense of purpose, finding your mentors, finding the skill you wish to polish and hone.
Aquarius Rising / Aquarius Sun: 5th house of self-expression, reconnecting to what brings you joy however silly or childish, learning how to have fun again, sex for the sheer enjoyment of it, leaning into romance and love, parties, playfulness, creating things to show the world what you’re good at, getting on your own stage, being fearless about sharing yourself.
Pisces Rising / Pisces Sun: 4th house of home and family, your early psychological foundation, the roots of your therapy, where you come from, your tribe, your ancestors, your sense of a home base, creating a sanctuary, exploring ancestry, doing a dc na test, understanding what elements of your family have made you the way you are.
Venus Altars & Retrograde Initiation
♀ I spent this morning preparing my Venus altar & painting just for fun- most likely due to Mars dancing into the blissed out, spiritually soothing waters of Pisces- a transit that won’t stay comfy for long I’m sure. I felt inspired to paint the transformational experience of evening star Venus, the goddess of love, morphing into her morning star phase, the goddess of war. Her 40 day journey, kicking off today, is a perilous one, as she traverses the landscape of the dead only to rise again, reborn anew, passionate as ever. along her way many important messages ( ♊︎) are received and delivered, be it through nuance or outcry. keep your senses alert.
I pulled the fool for my Venus RX lesson, who I’m gathering is something of a mercurial, Peter Pan type- also somewhat gemini in it’s expression, being the naive, eternal adolescent. whistling through the graveyard, if you will. Need some tarot people to help me hone in on that symbolism! if you’re looking for some solid guidance on working with the next 40 days- look no further than @dru.ish & @jfancydesigns who are offering a marvelous venus rx workshop- and who instructed me on how to create this altar! For my altar, I used one of my favorite pieces of fabric ever, gifted to me by the incredible @christijay and decided to incorporate hands (which are ruled by ♊︎).
Venus Retrograde in Gemini: Talking to our Ghosts
I’ve often wondered if other people are as haunted by their past I am. Perhaps haunted isn’t the right word, considering I seem to experience my ghosts frequently and in the sober light of day. They don’t grant me the convenience of tip-toeing up slow in the middle of the night. Dreams makes them yawn. Drunk-ness is too fleeting. My ghosts visit when I’m stone cold present. When I’m looking into a lovers eyes. When I first wake up. When I’m washing dishes and planning my day. They have no regard for my reality or my agenda. I just have to incorporate them into my vision- or at least that’s how I’ve learned to deal with them. If you know anyone with Cancer planets, these ghosts are undoubtedly a part of their world. One might even be seated on the couch next to you when you’re visiting their homes. Everyone’s visiting hours are just a little different.
You might be surprised by the ghosts you begin encountering in the coming weeks. Some take corporeal form, while others remain a misty memory that glaze over your vision. This concept of being swallowed up by memories and nostalgia is an especially prominent energy right now, due to Venus in Gemini initiating her retrograde phase on May 13th. Venus retrograde is a 40 day long alchemical process, where Venus transforms from the evening star, goddess of love, to the morning star, goddess of war. It’s a ripe time for dealing with unprocessed emotions around intimate partnerships past and present, as she instinctively targets unconscious feelings and ancient hurts, rather than conscious, rational thought. You can’t shut your ghosts up with rationale. You have to sit beside them and willingly acknowledge what they want- otherwise they hang around forever throwing rocks at your heart.
Venus retrograde shows us how to love, cherish, and value ourselves from the inside out, which is all we can really try to do in these times that we’re trapped with ourselves. External validation from instagram likes and tinder swipes just isn’t gonna cut it. Venus’ construction site goes up tomorrow in the Gemini house of your chart. The myth around the constellation of the Gemini is chock full of grief, the quest for immortality, and the soul-seeking search for one’s twin. Among other things, planets in Gemini stir up a strong need for connectivity, observational perceptivity, and fruitful dialogue. Relationships we’ve felt tied to from our soul’s gut are stirred with Venus’ trek through Gemini. But what are we craving from these tired old ghosts that we don’t already possess within ourselves?