I write you from the quiet confines of my room- a place I’ve made increasingly more cozy as the weeks have gone by stuck inside, as any good Cancerian would do. I find myself regularly gazing out of my bedroom window at the apartment buildings that stare back at me, mindlessly watching my neighbor’s lilac bush sway in the wind. How strange it is to be trapped indoors during Taurus season- a season which works so hard to reconnect us with the earth. The sun’s time in Taurus harkens us back to our most natural instincts in life, and it does so by getting us in touch with our animal body. It’s not so surprising that nearly every Taurus I know has a way with animals or acts like a magnet for them! So many people are recognizing the empty hole left in their heart that’s emerged from foregoing nature all these years. Back when the virus started gaining momentum on the east coast, people were flocking to the woods in swarms, wanting to wander and reconnect to the earth, only to find that they were surrounded by other people just like them. Ultimately, this mass attraction to green spaces had them shut down, keeping nature's nourishing presence even further from our soul’s grasp. This separation from the earth makes us suffer so much more than we’re even aware of, for part of Taurus’ mission is to ground us through a sense of peace that we achieve through relishing in nature’s pure and unadulterated beauty. I hope wherever you are, you can find a little green patch to cherish, because we need it so badly to feel sane. For me, I’m left with my old Italian landlords backyard- which is essentially an enormous jungle of unsightly, overgrown weeds. Her metal lawn chairs are being swallowed up by swaths of strange greenery. I remember when I first moved here gazing out over that strange square a year ago, I was like WOW, this is slightly concerning.. but now that I’ve gotten to know the morning doves and different stray cats that frequent it, I’m strangely grateful for my weird patch of city greenery.
taurus times:
In the northern hemisphere, we usually welcome in Taurus season quite fondly. Flowers and trees bloom with their wild colors and smells, intoxicating and placating even the most hardened New Yorker. We strive for less, having now passed through Aries energetic war path. We now crave the finer things in life- food, wine, sex, sleep, peace. Peace is at the top of the to-do list now, but peace isn't an action. It's a feeling we cultivate and allow in. Peace doesn't come from over scheduling every minute of your quarantine with productive activities. It comes from simply being and releasing. We need simplicity in order to attain peace, and we need peace in order to make it through May. As one of my favorite philosopher poets puts it “Simplify, simplify, simplify!”- a quote from Henry David Thoreau, who interestingly enough had both his natal Mars (energy and drive) and north node (purpose and path of learning) in Taurus. Thoreau was obsessed with his isolated cabin, Walden pond, and rambled on lovingly about the woods and nature through most of his works. I remember at one point reading his stuff and feeling like I was going to scream if he said one more thing about a god damn bird lol.
venus retrograde:
May is an unprecedented month for Taurus times. The skies are packed with turbulence and fluctuations, as three different planets turn on their heels and head retrograde mid-month. The most important retrograde to keep your eye on is that of Venus, the ruling planet of Taurus, whose mysterious backwards dance sets the tone for the coming weeks. Venus’ retrograde phase is similar to Mercury’s, but where as Mercury’s job is to dig up information for processing from the unconscious mind to the conscious mind, Venus works to unearth unintegrated feelings to process in the heart- thus making this period much more emotionally charged, for the head has no real business in this territory. This go around, Venus will be retrograding through the zodiac’s own social-butterfly, Gemini. The last time Venus went retrograde in Gemini was 8 years ago, back in May of 2012. It’s important to look back at what was taking place in your life around that time, for what you find can bring important clues, themes, and insights around what you may find yourself dealing with once again. For me, that was the year I began bonding (venus) in some of the strongest friendships of my adult life, while at the same time abandoning college for the unknown after 2 years of dissatisfied studies in pursuit of new goals, though they were 100% unclear at the time. I stopped valuing (venus) my current goals. It's no surprise to see that Gemini rules my 11th house of friendships, so I can expect to be having some questions and friendships and at the same may also be revisiting some long term goals again. Look to the house that Gemini rules in your chart- for it’s there you can expect to withdraw into those themes for deeper inspection and ultimately clear confrontation. Astrologer Erin Sullivan says of Venus Retrograde- “The degree of discord that arises within ones personal life during the retrograde signals the distance that one is from ones core values and higher creative aspirations.” Needless to say, if shit hits the fan- you’re just in need of some course correcting. It’s a time to get very clear about what it is that you value, heart and soul. All in all, May is much slower than usual. Don’t try to race forward. Just like we shouldn’t be rushing to return to our normal lives, we need to move slowly and tactfully through this period, with our hearts open to the things stirring inside of us. Venus will be retrograde from May 13th - June 25th, but due to the shadow periods, we’ll be feeling the effects from the beginning of May through the end of July. It’s also interesting to note Venus Rx from a political POV- as astrologer Bruce Scofield notes that “the heliacal rising often corresponds to a time of failure or resignation on the part of leaders and coincides with a major accident or storm.” The helical rising of Venus, when she transitions from evening star to morning star, is June 3rd, so within the following week there could be some interesting things taking place in the news.
Saturn and Jupiter also slide to a halt mid-month, stirring up feelings of restlessness and trimming the fat on the projects we’ve overreached for. There needs to be some scaling back on things the lifestyle and projects we're pursuing that keep us from growing. It’s time to say no, to admit that you’ve bitten off more than you can chew. We can feel frustrated and restrained, as we’re forced to deal with the realities at hand. Saturn teaches us by doing this we can really get to the core of the one thing thats been hanging us up, by getting us in touch with the one theme in our lives that we know needs change but have resisted it for security’s sake. Jupiter, known for expanding the things in our lives, is likely floating through the part of the chart that we’ve been saying YES to. Jupiter’s retrograde shows us that our initial concepts aren’t quite there yet, that we need more time to think things through before going with the big plan. This too could be quite interesting to see in the scheme of the virus, especially since NY has been talking of opening up in Mid May exactly at this very time that these planets turn on their heels.
Read the scope associated with your rising sign to get the most accuracy. Reading for your sun sign provide more of a big picture outlook, where as the rising sign is directly tailored to your actual house placements. Enjoy your scopes and keep me posted if they resonate! (Ps. If you felt so inclined, you can make a small donation of any price for this email's free astrology+ horoscope content here)
aries RISING:
You’re getting into the heart of what it is you’re here to do, Aries Rising. Last month saw you re-establishing yourself and redefining what it is you wish to share with the world. Now, with Taurus season in full swing, you’re called to have a good hard look at your talents, values, and underutilized skills. What skills of yours have you left on the back burner that need room to breathe in your day to day once more? The next few weeks also see you pouring more energy than usual into regulating your finances and managing your budget. If you’re looking for more ways to earn, examine some of these untapped talents that can help boost your earning power on the side. The nodes of fate move into the Gemini/Sagittarius axis on May 4th, helping you dismantle outmoded beliefs on life that hold you back while helping you develop new skills around communication and the assimilation of information you gather. Education plays a role with this axis highlighted, now through January 2022. Venus retrograde, beginning May 13th, will be impacting three separate areas of your life- primarily, your 3rd house of siblings, communication, community, education, secondarily both your 2nd house of self-worth, finances, and skills, and 7th house of intimate relationships. You can expect to be processing some feelings around all of these different areas in life as you re-evaluate your values in a whole new light. The Scorpio Full moon on May 7th lights up your 8th house of partnership cooperation, intimacy vulnerability, and shared finances. If you’re in a committed relationship, you can expect to be airing things out around this day to help bring some clarity into the situation. It’s an uncomfortable full moon for you, as it brings intimacy hang-ups and psychological phobias into the light of day, but for a good reason. The Sun moves into Gemini on May 20th, ushering you into your mental realms and amping up your need for self-expression. Your mental pace picks up and you’ll be craving stimulation, so find ways to feed your mind and express yourself thoroughly. Writing, podcasting, learning all take on special interest during this period.
taurus RISING:
At long last your season is here, Taurus Rising. I hope you're reveling in it, even though it sucks to be locked away during your time to shine. It’s important this month that you spend some time getting to know this newfound version of yourself you’re creating, and what better time than now? You’re in the process of redefining yourself at your core and working on showing the world a more authentic side of your nature during your season. The nodes of fate move into the Gemini/Sagittarius axis on May 4th, pushing you into a new learning cycle around trusting your own self worth and development of talents, while releasing negative patterns in relationships from now through January 2022. The work you define for yourself plays out into the rest of the year, so it’s critical for you to get into the heart of your personal needs and goals while your season is active. This month might be a doozy for you, as your ruling planet Venus swirls into her retrograde on May 13th, taking you on an inward deep dive into your core values and needs. Venus retrograde will be primarily working her magic over your 2nd house of self-worth, finances, and skills, and secondarily over your 1st house of self, identity, and physical body and 6th house of health, work, and mind/body connection. It might be wise to pay close attention to what your body is trying to tell you during this time, as repressed emotional problems can disguise themselves as health problems and are likely to rear their heads. Make sure you remain present with your body! The full moon in your opposite sign of Scorpio on May 7th illuminates your 7th house of partnerships, revealing the emotional undercurrents and ongoings around your relationships. Pay attention to your needs vs. those of the relationship and double check that everyones getting their fair share. If single, you may come to realize what it is you're truly learning to value in a committed relationship. The Sun dips into Gemini on May 20th, turning your attention away from your physical body and personality and moving you into a deeper awareness of your skills, talents, and current financial state. It might be helpful to work on your budget and figure out whats next for you in terms of how to boost your earning power.
gemini RISING:
Hold on tight, Gemini Rising. This season is bound to be an interesting one for you. The Sun’s stay in Taurus actually finds you in a naturally isolated state, regardless of the current situation. People might be wondering where you’ve been. This Taurus season is all about reconnecting to spirit, shedding old patterns, and ultimately- relaxing, retreating, and resting. This is the time of year where you face your demons behind closed doors and need space and alone time to do so, so perhaps its beneficial you can do this in the privacy of your home! The nodes of fate move into the Gemini/Sagittarius axis on May 4th, signaling an important shift in your life’s story. The north node of intake and learning moves through your sign, helping you gather new lessons around identity, individuality, and personal self-expression- while the south node moves through your opposite sign of Sagittarius, aiding you in the release of relationship patterns and hang-ups that hold you back from deeper connection. The relationship stories in your life deepen from now through January 2022. Venus retrograde occurs on May 13th in your sign this year, harkening back to the themes in your life regarding identity, body, and values around oneself that you encountered 8 years ago. Venus does some serious soul-searching this month for you, as she also stirs up your 12th house of self-sabotaging patterns and your 5th house of sex, pleasure, and creative self-expression. You can expect to be dealing with relationship stories head on, and encountering what your needs are around them in a big way. The full moon in Scorpio blossoms on May 7th, illuminating your 6th house of health problems, mind/body connection, and your current work environment and efficiency. You might experience some keen insights into the current state of your body as well as experience some emotional release around the current state of your employment. The Sun slides into Gemini on May 20th, taking you out of the ethereal darkness of your 12th house and bringing you into the 1st house of self-awareness and identity. It’s easier to feel like yourself with the Sun in your sign, as the time works to re-invent you to yourself. All in all, you have a lot to chew on mentally.
cancer RISING:
For the first time in awhile, it feels like you have some clarity around your long term goals, Cancer Rising. The sun’s time in Taurus brings you both into the heart of your awareness around what it is you wish to pursue and your wider connection to community at large. It’s the time of year where your friendships take on greater importance in your daily life, and where you thrive on the emotional connection you maintain to those in your inner circle. One big change for you this month is the departure of the nodes of fate. The nodes have been hanging out in your Cancer/Capricorn axis since November 2018. Their stay worked to increase your level of self awareness and individual needs in relationship, while simultaneously helping you release old, self sabotaging patterns from projections and expectations in relationship. The story begins to conclude, as the nodes of fate move into the Gemini/Sagittarius axis on May 4th, working to deepen your intuition and connection to the things that hold you back, while at the same helping you acknowledge health problems and hang ups in your workflow, now through January 2022. The Scorpio Full moon blooms on May 7th, illuminating the current story around your experience of fun, sexual pleasure, and creative self-expression. This might an easier full moon to manage if your experience of relationships have been mostly pleasant lately. If they’ve been rocky, you can pierce right into the heart of whats not bringing you joy between the two of you and hopefully clear the air. If you're single, this is one of the most creatively rich lunation's of the year, so get down to business! Venus’ retrograde dance occurs on May 13th, primarily activating your 12th house, awareness around your own self-sabotaging patterns, and secondarily your 4th house of family and emotional foundations, and 11th house, friends, community, and long term goals. Her retrograde story clear ties up family, friends, and your experience of self in the midst of it all. The Sun moves into Gemini on May 20th, pulling you away from your desire for social interactions and moving you into a much more hermetic headspace- one requiring rest, retreat, and relaxation and WAY less time online.
This is your prime time part of the year, Leo. Taurus season activates your most visible part of your chart, helping bring you into the spotlight of public awareness, like it or not! Everything you do this month is seen at a much larger scale than you’re used to, so it might be worthwhile to squeeze in some self-promotional efforts. It’s not all easy terrain though, for this is also the time of year you find yourself questioning your destiny and the current paths you’ve taken to get to where you are. The big life questions start rolling in as you ask yourself what’s next and how to get there. The month kicks off with the nodes of fate moving into the Gemini/Sagittarius axis on May 4th, a process that works to increase your experience of friendship, long term goals, and connection to humanity, while releasing outmoded ego patterns, shallow sex lives, and putting yourself on a pedestal at the cost of others. You're bringing other people into your plans from now through January 2022, and your friends and group involvements have more to teach you than usual. The Scorpio full moon on May 7th is an uncomfortable one to say the least, as it highlights the very basement of your emotional foundation for you to experience. It lights up the most private area of your chart, in relation to where you’ve been at your most public. Your emotional sensitivity to family is increased and your sense of home and security come into question. Venus retrograde begins on May 13th, and her primary focus for you is on your 11th house, helping you understand what you value in friendships and connection to others, while secondarily focusing on your 10th house of career and destiny, and 3rd house of siblings, communication, and educational matters. Pay close attention to your friendships this month, as revelations around who you want to keep and who you should release make their way into your awareness. The Sun slides into Gemini on May 20th, intensifying your craving for community involvement and deepening your need to develop goals that better represent what you want to chase down.
You’ve got adventure and expansion in your mind’s eye, Virgo Rising, which makes this period of lock down so much more stifling. The Sun’s time in Taurus activates your need to break up stagnation, to involve yourself in new ways of learning, and to shake up your daily activities in order to refresh your perspective on life. Your very beliefs become challenged, as you push yourself outside of your comfort zone into new horizons. The month kicks off with the nodes of fate moving into the Gemini/Sagittarius axis on May 4th, intensifying stories of family, career, private, and public life now through January 2022. You're gonna be making some major strides career wise in the next year and a half, but only if you dive into old family patterns and get a better understanding of the roots that built you. The Scorpio full moon on May 7th takes you on a ride mentally, as it illuminates your current connection to travel and educational plans. Movement is highlighted here, and it may be harder than usual to sit still with your mind flooded with new insights. You can also feel a little mentally tumultuous under this full moon, so make sure you find an outlet for that brain of yours. Venus’ retrograde dance begins on May 13th, primarily focusing her energy on your 10th house of career and the pursuit of destiny, and secondarily focusing on your 2nd house of finances, skills, and self worth, as well as your 9th house of travel, education, and core beliefs. Your skills and values are being called into question here, as you’re asked to see how these can help you get further in your current career trajectory. The Sun slides into Gemini on May 20th, kicking off your most visible time of year to the public eye. You’ll be hard to miss at this point, so make sure you invest some energy into furthering your career path and carving out time for self promotion.
You’ve got a lot on your plate to deal with, Libra. I hope you can wrangle in that cool, calm, collected demeanor of yours. Your ruling planet, Venus, pulls you on an inward, emotional journey as she prepares to perform her retrograde dance in Gemini. Taurus season is all about cleaning out the skeletons in your closets and getting into the core issues that keep you from deeper, more vulnerable connection in partnerships. You’re asked to trek into the darkest parts of your heart in order to have a good look around and acknowledge how you can open yourself up even further by removing certain blockages. May begins with the nodes of fate moving into the Gemini/Sagittarius axis on May 4th, beginning a brand new narrative around educational pursuits, travel plans, and what you believe about life now through January 2022. You can expect quite a bit of movement with this axis active, as you crave new, expansive ways of living your life. The full moon in Scorpio arrives on May 7th, pulling you out of the realm of relationship for a moment to examine your own feelings of self worth. Under this lunation you can become diligently aware of your financial state, as well as any talents and skills you may have that you’ve dearly missed from your daily life. Venus retrograde begins on May 13th, pulling you primarily into your 9th house, which activates your belief systems, educational plans, and desire for a break from routine, while secondarily activating your 1st house of self, body, and personality, as well as your 8th house of relationship hang-ups, psychological phobias, and shared resources. It might be an ideal time to link up with a therapist, as new information floods in around your identity, relationship, and your belief systems. The Sun slides into Gemini on May 20th, pulling you out of the dark and into a lighter headspace that gives you room to breathe again. The sun’s time in Gemini helps you to integrate the raw, subconscious energy you were just interacting with in Taurus’ time, in order to use it to build a whole new way of looking at life.
You were built for plummeting into the nitty gritty, inner workings of relationship, Scorpio Rising. This Taurus season is all about diving into the heart of your projections, expectations, and general feelings around the current state of your partnerships. If you’re in a committed partnership, it’s a good time to hash things out, put things on the table, and clear the air about everyones needs being met. If you’re single, you might find yourself reconsidering what you value and desire in your next mate. Either way, partnership energy dominates the month ahead and asks for your full attention. The month kicks off with the nodes moving into the Gemini/Sagittarius axis on May 4th, beginning a new narrative around the formation of cooperative, responsible, and emotionally-mature and safe relationships, while at the same time releasing the old need to build a wall of boundaries around yourself. The nodes will be developing this story now through January 2022. This month’s full moon arrives in your sign on May 7th, highlighting your 1st house of the physical body, individual needs, and personal self experience. This full moon is an intense one as it works to make you more aware of your own needs in relationship, while at the same time calling your attention to any underlying emotional problems disguised as health problems. Venus retrograde begins on May 13th, which really gets your relationship story underway. This go around, Venus stirs the pot around your intimacy hang-ups, psychological phobias, and deepest communication needs in your 8th house. Secondarily, the shakes things up from the 12th house, self-sabotaging relationship patterns in the dusty corners of your mind, and the 7th, your house of partnerships. The Sun slides into Gemini on May 20th, which takes you even deeper on this journey into the heart of love. All in all it’s clear that May is shaping up to be a critical relationship month for you, one that needs honest evaluation, and to scrub the mirror of projections of those closest to you. Go forth fearlessly!
This is shaping up to be a most critical months of the year for you, Sagittarius Rising. Taurus season finds you busy aligning body and mind, as during the first half of the quarantine you may have been more prone to drinking and eating your troubles away. Taurus brings you back into your body to check in with your physical state, while at the same time highlighting your current work flow efficiency. There’s work to be done ahead of you and you’re fearless about going after it right now. The month kicks off with the nodes moving into the Gemini/Sagittarius axis on May 4th. The south node of release moves through your sign for the next year and a half, encouraging you to let go of old ways of relating and defensiveness around the possibility of truer, deeper connections- while the intaking north node of Gemini moves through the area of life concerned with relationships. Important relationship developments are likely now through January 2022 with those nodes in these signs, as you’re pulled into a deeper evaluation and learning process of moving into love wholeheartedly. The full moon in Scorpio arrives on May 7th is an uncomfortable one, shining its illuminating light into the dusty corners of your subconscious. You can become keenly aware of the ways in which you self sabotage under the light of this lunation, as well as have a good look into your own motives. Venus retrograde begins on May 13th, highlighting your 7th house of committed partnerships. It’s likely that you’ll be processing some important relationship themes the next few months, as feelings from 8 years ago regarding love come back into your awareness now. See how these times echo back to then and open up the current story even more. The Sun moves this narrative along when it moves into Gemini on May 20th, taking you away from the world of work and moving you full-on into the light of partnership and understanding. It might not be an easy road, as you could be processing a lot of ancient feelings around love that have not dealt with, but I promise you’ll have a whole new set of values by the end of Venus retrograde.
You might be the sign suffering from the quarantine blues the most, Capricorn. Not because of the hermit aspect, you’ve already got that down to a science, but because Taurus season is usually a time of unabashed joy for you! In your chart, Taurus oversees your 5th house of romance, sex, fun, and creative self-expression. You’ve had to carve out ways to feel pure joy all from the comfort of your own home and hopefully you’ve been able to indulge in some of the aforementioned themes. May begins with the nodes of fate moving into the Gemini/Sagittarius axis on May 4th, finally ending their year and a half long stay in your sign’s axis. You’ve learned some serious relationship lessons and have a better idea of what it you need in a committed partnership , so now the nodes are moving you into a whole new territory of learning. The north node slides into Gemini, increasing your need to build a healthy mind/body connection while at the same time seeking out a job that gives you purpose to show your skills. The south node moves through Sagittarius, helping you release self-sabotaging behaviors and potentially unleashing some therapy-ridden material for you to acknowledge. The nodes remain in Gemini/Sagittarius until January 2022. The full moon in Scorpio arrives on May 7th, intensifying your connection to your long time goals and social circles. You may become keenly aware of what it is you wish to pursue, or you may think of friends that you deeply miss and wish to reconnect with. Venus retrograde begins on May 13th, and the majority of her story revolves around your 6th house, helping you redefine your value system around what you do for a living. It becomes more important than ever for you to creatively connect to your job. Secondarily, Venus also stirs up some action in your 5th house, of love, pleasure and self-expression, as well as your 10th house of career and destiny. It’s clear that finding a new connection to your work is part of the job of this retrograde. The Sun moves into Gemini on May 20th, helping you advance this job narrative even further in hopes of clarifying your purpose.
Would it give you any solace to know that you likely would have been holed up at home, if we weren’t on lockdown, Aquarius rising? Perhaps not, but it was worth a try. Taurus season is the time of year where you go into full on hermit mode and people start wondering where you’ve been. Taurus season oversees the affairs of your 4th house, the area of the chart concerned with your family, your emotional foundations, and your past. Something calls you inward and away from the world now to see whats going on at the base of your subconscious. May begins with the nodes of fate moving into the Gemini/Sagittarius axis on May 4th, moving you into a highly creative headspace for the next year and a half. The north node of intake and growth treks through your 5th house of self-expression, romance, pleasure, and what brings you an unabashed fun. The universe wants you to find what you uniquely have to offer and to have a great time creating it. The south node of release modes through the 11th house of friendships, long term goals, and community. In order to immerse yourself in your own creative project, you may have to miss out on your usual social overdosing. This doesn’t mean you need to lose all your friends and become a hermit, more so that you need to cut back to stay focused. You may also find yourself reassessing goals that once held appeal to you. The nodes develop this story now through January 2022. The Full moon in Scorpio arrives on May 7th, highlighting your 10th house, most public area of your chart concerned with career and carving out your destiny. You may have new insights around whats next for you career wise and what path to take, so listen closely to what comes up for you. Venus retrograde begins on May 13th, primarily working her magic over that 5th house sector this go around, reinventing love in a new light and reconnecting you to your creative aspirations. Secondarily, Venus also affects your 9th house of core beliefs, travel, and educational plans, as well as your 4th house of family, your home, and your emotional foundation. The Sun enters into Gemini on May 20th, taking you out of the darkness of emotions past and into the light of good times future.
This is one of the hardest times of year for you to sit still, Pisces Rising. Taurus season overrules the affairs of your 3rd house, an area concerned with movement, communication, and connection to people in your sphere. You’ve probably had to do more FaceTime and zoom calls then you’re actually comfortable with, as everyone in the world seems to want to be reaching out to you. Your head is swirling with new concepts, communication styles, and curiosities you wish to follow. You need an outlet during this season, as it’s critical to get that voice out of your head and away from your nervous system. Writing, journaling, speaking, singing- any form of expression is healing to you right now. May begins with the nodes of fate moving into the Gemini/Sagittarius axis on May 4th, which signals a huge shift in narrative for you. The south node of release moves through your 10th house of career, while the north node of intake prowls through your 4th house of home and family. From now until January 2022, you’ll be facing major themes around home and what that looks like for you, while at the same questioning and redesigning your career and destiny. The Full moon in Scorpio arrives on May 7th, taking you out of the small conversations you’ve found yourself in and shines its light into the big picture view of your life. This full moon holds important insights around both educational and future travel pursuits, showing you which direction is next. Venus retrograde begins on May 13th, primarily activating your 4th house of home, family, and your emotional foundations. Secondarily, she stirs up your 8th house of intimate partnership problems for the sake of clearing the air, as well as the 3rd house of communication styles in order to help get you in touch with what you want to express. The Sun enters into Gemini on May 20th, pulling you away from the world of constant contact and moving you into the basement of your subconscious, making it a ripe time for inner explorations and reconnecting to your roots.