Tonight’s new moon sets our souls ablaze as we are force-fed a final spoonful of Aries energy. To some, this is just what the doctor ordered, a powerful, urgent dose of fresh initiative to help plow through the Capricorn obstacles that have besieged us as of late. To others, Aries season has made us weary of war, irritated, and plain old exhausted. The Aries new moon and it’s aspects create an outline for the month ahead, one that is certain to be chock full of changes and new developments. Mercury puts an end to his backward jaunt through the zodiac today, as he finally stations direct and begins to move forward at the same time of the new lunar cycle. The birth of the new moon and Mercury moving direct signifies a very clear shift in motion, one that is helping us stretch and get into shape for the burst of incoming energy that May is promising to deliver.
The Aries new moon is closely conjunct the unpredictable and unbound outer planet Uranus, which hints to us that May is sure to be full of shake ups, lightning bolt insights, and sudden surprises. Embrace the unusual and eccentric visions and plans that come to you about your future now. Break free from the shackles of any binding or tiresome situations that you know you’ve long outgrown. We often think of Uranus as this frightening planet that comes in and completely uproots a part of our lives, throwing us into chaotic and uncomfortable change. But then later down the line, we look back and realize that we needed that situation to be yanked out by it’s root, because being stagnant and resistant to growth becomes debilitating to our personal development. So the truth is we humans need Uranus to remind us that change is healthy and necessary. If you can implement the healthy changes that you know you personally need now, then Uranus will leave you alone and let you do your thing. It’s only when you ignore the planets that they get fussy with you, because they really represent a reflection of your own natural urges and need for growth.
The new moon is also in a tense square to the ever emotionally charged and powerful Pluto. This hints that the next month may see us transform, renew, and heal ourselves in ways we never imagined. This lunar month ahead may feel a bit like we’re clinging for dear life on the back of a run away horse. Tighten your grip on the reigns and ride it out, for the new things that await us on the other side are bound to be worth it. May is likely to be one of the most pivotal months of 2018, as it is the beginning of a brand new chapter in all of our lives, for Uranus will move into Taurus, where he hasn’t tread ground since the 1930’s. Uranus has been moving through the Aries for the last 7 years, providing us with major break throughs and many lessons in independence and relationship. When he moves into Taurus on May 15th, he will be uprooting the too comfortable and stagnant terrain that our Taurus house oversees for the next 7 years. Get ready to break on through.