this afternoon, caught in the mental doldrums of my day job, my eyes led me to a camera facing out across the sunlit east river. though even in a day dream i shouldn’t consider touching it’s mutant waters, i pictured trying to swim across its vast expanse. i wondered how far i’d get. maybe i’d last a few minutes, but by my very nature I’m lethargic and love pasta. i’d surely drown. i wondered if an actual, well trained swimmer could do it. ofcourse i know nothing of “the sports”, so hopefully the naïveté of my mind entertains you as much as it did me. this odd dip into my thoughts got me thinking of the full moon in the virgo/pisces axis today.
in order to take a deep dive, you need a plan to get there.
the ether is always appealing. a dip into escapism. formlessness. merging. perhaps its my natal moon in pisces talking, but i’m constantly drawn to leaving reality for a foray with the otherworldly. who isn’t every now and then? pisces season beckons us with music, dance, poetry, the art of life. it summons our deepest feelings towards the surface to float. to heal, to listen, to love. pisces seeks true nirvana, but often falls prey instead to the entrancement of escapist tendencies. drugs, alcohol, self sacrifice, anything to get us closer to ourselves and to others.
ah, the beauty of polarities. here comes virgo with the life raft, with the oxygen tank, with the eye roll to boot. virgo pulls your exhausted body out of the stormy sea of escapism, wraps you in a towel, and steers the boat back towards the shore. theres shit to do. life to live. accomplishments to be had. if you had kept haplessly swimming in this dream from yourself, from your purpose, you’d die. which is the goal of pisces, yes. to die, to return to the ether. but it’s not yet time.
virgo builds the body mind connection. we learn healthy habits to keep the vessel of our body moving forward through space. we learn the value of work, dedication, and craft to form a purpose. we give shape to that which falls apart. body of work is virgoan. put the effort in to your dreams. one cannot live without the other, for you can’t continue doing work that you hate. your soul dies, your pisces house dies. but you also can’t float along with no backbone, playing the victim, dreaming and swimming and dreaming and swimming. you decide what to harvest.