♀ I spent this morning preparing my Venus altar & painting just for fun- most likely due to Mars dancing into the blissed out, spiritually soothing waters of Pisces- a transit that won’t stay comfy for long I’m sure. I felt inspired to paint the transformational experience of evening star Venus, the goddess of love, morphing into her morning star phase, the goddess of war. Her 40 day journey, kicking off today, is a perilous one, as she traverses the landscape of the dead only to rise again, reborn anew, passionate as ever. along her way many important messages ( ♊︎) are received and delivered, be it through nuance or outcry. keep your senses alert.
I pulled the fool for my Venus RX lesson, who I’m gathering is something of a mercurial, Peter Pan type- also somewhat gemini in it’s expression, being the naive, eternal adolescent. whistling through the graveyard, if you will. Need some tarot people to help me hone in on that symbolism! if you’re looking for some solid guidance on working with the next 40 days- look no further than @dru.ish & @jfancydesigns who are offering a marvelous venus rx workshop- and who instructed me on how to create this altar! For my altar, I used one of my favorite pieces of fabric ever, gifted to me by the incredible @christijay and decided to incorporate hands (which are ruled by ♊︎).