I’ve often wondered if other people are as haunted by their past I am. Perhaps haunted isn’t the right word, considering I seem to experience my ghosts frequently and in the sober light of day. They don’t grant me the convenience of tip-toeing up slow in the middle of the night. Dreams makes them yawn. Drunk-ness is too fleeting. My ghosts visit when I’m stone cold present. When I’m looking into a lovers eyes. When I first wake up. When I’m washing dishes and planning my day. They have no regard for my reality or my agenda. I just have to incorporate them into my vision- or at least that’s how I’ve learned to deal with them. If you know anyone with Cancer planets, these ghosts are undoubtedly a part of their world. One might even be seated on the couch next to you when you’re visiting their homes. Everyone’s visiting hours are just a little different.
You might be surprised by the ghosts you begin encountering in the coming weeks. Some take corporeal form, while others remain a misty memory that glaze over your vision. This concept of being swallowed up by memories and nostalgia is an especially prominent energy right now, due to Venus in Gemini initiating her retrograde phase on May 13th. Venus retrograde is a 40 day long alchemical process, where Venus transforms from the evening star, goddess of love, to the morning star, goddess of war. It’s a ripe time for dealing with unprocessed emotions around intimate partnerships past and present, as she instinctively targets unconscious feelings and ancient hurts, rather than conscious, rational thought. You can’t shut your ghosts up with rationale. You have to sit beside them and willingly acknowledge what they want- otherwise they hang around forever throwing rocks at your heart.
Venus retrograde shows us how to love, cherish, and value ourselves from the inside out, which is all we can really try to do in these times that we’re trapped with ourselves. External validation from instagram likes and tinder swipes just isn’t gonna cut it. Venus’ construction site goes up tomorrow in the Gemini house of your chart. The myth around the constellation of the Gemini is chock full of grief, the quest for immortality, and the soul-seeking search for one’s twin. Among other things, planets in Gemini stir up a strong need for connectivity, observational perceptivity, and fruitful dialogue. Relationships we’ve felt tied to from our soul’s gut are stirred with Venus’ trek through Gemini. But what are we craving from these tired old ghosts that we don’t already possess within ourselves?