We've made it to the final month of one hellish yeah, astro fam. In true 2020 fashion, the end of the year is planning to go out with a bang. December's skies hold so many major changes in store to explore, but the singlehandedly most important of those is Jupiter and Saturn's departure from stoic Capricorn into progressive Aquarius, and their long awaited mid-month conjunction.
Saturn's nearly three year stay in Capricorn wasn't an easy one, despite the fact that these two love to be together. Saturn's natural rigidity and nostalgia for yesteryear merged with Capricorn's affinity for control and power saw our government's fist tighten dangerously around us. Now, we wait with bated breath for Saturn's time in Aquarius. Capricorn is typically concerned with the rigid maintenance of "how its always been done" while Aquarius is more preoccupied with bringing new solutions, fresh perspectives, and concerns for humanity at large to the table. Saturn moves forward into Aquarius on December 17th. As above, so below- thus we're in this limbo/passing the baton stage (changing signs) of new control and authority leadership-wise (Saturn). Let's hope things can look a little brighter around here.
Those of you born between (Nov. 1988- Feb 1991) or (Jan. 1959- December. 1961) were likely born with Saturn in Capricorn natally. Those in the younger group have been moving through their first Saturn Return while those in the older group move through their second Saturn Return! You're right there at the finish line, merely a few steps away. Take a moment to reflect on your journey, from Dec.2017-Dec 2020 and sink your teeth into what's happened to you since then. Did you know we experience a second Saturn Return? Most people's face's drop when they realize they have to go through that level of initiation again. Don't fret though, it's supposed to go a little easier on you in the second round, that is ofcourse if you're not clinging desperately to a bunch of falsehoods.
Our first Saturn Return, typically starting around 29 years of age, offers us the chance to step up to the plate, to mature, and to become our own parent. Saturn says "are you ready to grow up or nah?" Hint: work to make your answer yes. You're asked to triple check if you're on the right path, or to figure out if you're just living out another one of society's subscriptions. Some people go through a major crisis, some coast, some create, some crystallize. Saturn's work here isn't to randomly punish you, it's to make you a diamond from the rough. It asks you if that white picket fence and diamond ring is enough to feed your soul.
Those of us with Saturn in Aquarius natally, most likely born between from (March 1991 - January 1994) or (January 1962-December 1964) are preparing for a visit from father time, Saturn himself. Saturn will stay in Aquarius until March of 2023, so we're only just getting started. Take a look at the house in your chart ruled by Aquarius to get an idea of where this new "lets get down to business" energy is arriving.
Where Saturn contracts, Jupiter expands.
Where Saturn says "no", Jupiter says "yes".
Where Saturn says "It's unlikely", Jupiter says "Why not give it a try?"
Where Saturn grasps for control in an out of control situation, Jupiter surrenders and whispers reassuringly, "It'll pass."
Jupiter is our cosmic Santa Claus. Whatever area of our chart Jupiter moves through, we find ourselves being given a gift or two in that area. Jupiter's desire is to grow, to provide unshakable faith and optimism, and to widen our scope of experience. Jupiter moving through your 4th house? Maybe it's time you find some bigger living quarters, or finally do that ancestry test and explore your roots. Jupiter moving through your 10th house? Maybe you realize its time to take the leap of faith you've been scared to in your career. You get the gist! Jupiter grows, Saturn simplifies.
Jupiter has been in Capricorn since 2019, and his stay has been a little unhappy. Jupiter doesn't perform well in a Saturn ruled sign, as they're basic energies are inimical to one another! Think of the Rose family in Schitt's Creek. Big personalities with big plans and at one point, big money (Jupiter), forced to consolidate, simplify, and re-structure (Saturn). Jupiter's entrance into Aquarius on the 19th is beneficial all around, as he receives more benefits in this sign than in morose Capricorn. Look to your Aquarius house to see where this year long period of growth and expansion will be sweeping in!
These two polar opposites are coming together for their great conjunction on the day of the winter solstice, when the sun moves forward into Capricorn, on December 21st. Jupiter/Saturn conjunction's come around approximately every 20 years, typically ushering in a new era society-wise. So yeah, it goes without saying that this is a huge, pivotal moment for us collectively. This time, with these two merging in open-minded, humanitarian Aquarius, I have faith (Jupiter) that we can make some major improvements (Saturn) on the way things work around here.
Last but not least, I wanted to let you know about an incredible event I'm excited to be a part of called "13 nights of Witchmas" created by the brilliant That Witch Lizz. It's essentially 13 nights of different esoteric specialists doing presentations on zoom, and it begins TONIGHT if you wanted to purchase a whole pass. If you'd rather do a drop in ticket and pick and choose, that's also totally cool!
I'm doing an astrology talk called "Planets as Psychological Archetypes and Signs as Soul Signatures" and I'll be presenting on Saturday 12/12 7:30-9:00PM EST. It's my first time teaching astrology and I'm really excited, if not a tad bit nervous. I would really love your support, if you decided you'd like to come and learn some basic fundamentals directly from me. I'll be exploring the 4 elements, 10 planets, and 12 signs thoroughly- so you're not gonna wanna miss it! If you can't make it, you can also purchase the recording! It's only 20$ for a single ticket, or 130$ for a whole pass! Can't wait to see you there. As always, I'm so grateful to have you in my life and I wish you a safe and smooth final month of the year.