Have you ever been bullied? Unless you were lucky enough to be a popular golden child walking among the rest of the middle school freaks and geeks, you’ll find that most of us have. To bully and to be bullied is to trek through the treacherous territory of Mars. Did you retaliate or did you take it in stride? Did you bite, bark, or burn quietly? When I was a kid, I found myself wedged countless times into the school guidance counselor’s office, being forced to deal with one of my intimate bullies. She was determined to make my little life hell and for whatever reason, I found myself in her crosshairs repeatedly. Enough so that it had to be dealt with by the school. At that time, I was a burner. I kept my pain quiet and let my hate for her fester silently. Many years later, I returned to my hometown with a gifted spa certificate. Full of peace after my massage and looking forward to further relaxation, I plopped down into a pedicure chair. Lo and behold, I looked down and there she was, my middle school bully, who was now fully in charge of scrubbing my feet while I sat there like a queen. Obviously an immense, vengeful satisfaction washed over me, but the awkwardness that permeated our politeness was less than pleasant.
Looking back now, I can’t help but feel curious about that entire scenario. I don’t think we randomly find ourselves at the center of people’s anger or aggression. Often, those very interactions is how the universe gets us to acknowledge and own our own Mars. My bullying journey certainly didn’t end with her, so I know that the universe has been urging me to embrace Mars from day one. So often, we find ourselves uncomfortable with the necessary aspects of human nature that Mars represents. Offense vs. defense, fight vs. flight, violence, force, fire, anger, ferocity, libido, energy, motivation. Mars is what sets us apart and works to fight for own sense of identity. You’ve heard of toddler’s having “the terrible 2’s”. Mars makes its first return to our natal Mars at approximately 2 years old- right when we begin to assert our own identity separate from our parents, when we learn to say no, to scream, fight, and throw tantrums over getting our way or not. That’s Mars.
Mars Retrograde period runs from September 9th through November 13th. This is easily one of the more disruptive retrogrades, as it happens much less frequently than other planets. We’re revisiting ancient feelings around our force being thwarted, around our experience of competition, around the right to take up space and plant our flag. Projects, relationships, or events that have recently captivated your energy and attention can come to pass now. Let things pass. Let yourself be present with your anger. Work to clear the air wherever the smoke is. You keep hearing people say “the world is on fire” and ofcourse it is, mars is making itself known. Let’s be phoenixes, rather than keep pouring gasoline on the flames.