welcome to the last hurrah. we’ve been flipping our worlds upside down in the mentally-fueled, fact vs. fiction gemini/sagittarius houses of our chart since may of 2020. in true Sagittarius fashion, tomorrow’s solar eclipse launches us with a final thrust off the archers bow and into the void. destination unknown is the Sagittarius game, so rather than scramble for Gemini’s hard facts and figures, let yourself cozy up with the acid-tripping, galaxy-spinning, dream-making scramble of the great cosmic expanse explored by Sagittarius’ romping hooves.
tomorrow’s solar eclipse tosses it’s lasso around our torso and spins us backwards to face the progress we’ve made since last spring. the new moon cuddles up dangerously close with the sinking energy of the south node. spiraling down its release-hungry drain is easy, and you may find yourself feeling keenly aware of what you still haven’t fully let go, or noticing mentally where you just haven’t gotten the memo yet. rather than berate yourself for not having completed every sojourn or grandiose vision on Sagittarius’ long to-do list, pat yourself on the back for taking the small steps (Gemini) that got you where you are now.
Sagittarius is perpetually setting off on a quest for meaning. since the spring of 2020, we’ve been forced to think about our lives in relation to that concept in a whole new light. the south node’s time in sag has demanded that we rearrange the big picture vision of our lives and values, as if we were blindly putting together the pieces of an intricate puzzle. now, as the nodes crawl towards the end of their stay in this pair of signs, it’s easy to look back at the progress or lack there-of in these houses. you may notice that your puzzle is missing a few pieces, or that somehow you have an abundance of pieces which you’re not sure what to do with.
the new moon solar eclipse is an inherently contradicting lunation, as it signals both the launch of a fresh start, but with a ball and chain still dutifully dragging on from the past. the weeks ahead require patience and persistence, as the remainder of sagittarius season really nails home the point that “everywhere you go, you take yourself with you.” it’s safe to start galloping into your future through December’s thick snowy woods, but don’t be surprised if you need to slow your pace and double check your soul’s GPS.