It’s dangerously easy to forget about our foundations. In a world where we’re constantly spreading ourselves too thin or tirelessly reaching for the stars, we forget to look beneath us and honor that which has anchored us and allowed us to bloom. We spend so much time chasing relationships, pursuing ambitions, and bolstering our egos- but none of that could come to be without the secure support system you’ve inexhaustibly built from within. Today’s new moon in homebody Cancer turns our attention towards “family” in its myriad of forms- whether you’ve built your own, admired the one you were raised in, or ran away from it with your heart on fire. Cancer’s connection with maternal energy has all of us reviewing the deeply embedded inner experience we had of parenting, early nurturance, and security. Unsurprisingly- it’s very touchy material, hence the pinching crab.
Cancerian energy offers us a place to be soft, to be sheltered, and to be secure. If you’ve never been fully offered that magical cornucopia of support from your family unit, work to use this sweet, regenerative energy to embrace re-parenting yourself in a gentle and nurturing way in the weeks ahead. Your parents destinies don’t have to become your own. Rather than recreating your early environment and playing out the exhausted echoes of unfinished stories, work to acknowledge the missing pieces and gently fill in the gaps with your own hands. Mother is our first experience of intimacy and union. Was that merging safe or scary? How does that primary relationship continue to unravel in the here and now?
Today’s new moon in soulfully sensitive Cancer encourages us to nourish those very roots that support us. Our friends can be our family. Our pets can be our family. Our partners too. Whatever family means to you- honor the nest you’ve created for yourself. And speaking of forgotten foundations- our ultimate home and foundation, “Mother Earth” (an aptly Cancerian name) has been crying out for remembrance and respect too. Let this new moon remind you of the primordial waters from which we all spring, and guide you with softness and reverence towards the home within you and the collective home you inhabit.